Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mr. Muck's Birthday Card...

It's my husband's birthday today and since he's so hard to buy for I settled on making him a card.  I thought I'd share it with you as it is a really simple way to make a really special "keepable" greeting card or a piece of artwork for someone.

I took an image I found on the internet and traced the outline of it onto watercolour paper with pencil.

I then went over all the outlines with my pen, adding some cross-hatching shadows to the design, to give it some more depth.

Then I filled in the spaces with watercolours, and once they were dry, I went over some of the outlines again with the pen.

I have stuck it lightly to the black card since I might frame it at some stage.

Happy birthday Mr. Muck! x

Oh, and Master J enjoyed his "actual birthday" cake... Now to make the party cake!


  1. Just found your blog through Kiwi Mummy Blogs and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading through and admiring your various projects. Definitely want to try the cinnamon flower arrangements next Christmas and I love your cakes/cupcakes. It must be hard at times being so far away from NZ, but your blog has a real kiwiana feel. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Hi there, Your card is wonderful, just like the old vintage tattoos. Nice one.



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