Saturday, March 10, 2012

Feathering the nest...

Miss S and Master J are officially sleeping in the same room, so it was time to start decorating the nursery for baby number three, who is, at the time of posting, due in less than one week.

Before...  Mess!

The challenge was: Keeping a lot of Miss S's old things in the room (nowhere else for them to go!), whilst keeping a gender neutral theme.  The other challenge is the endless white walls in our apartment which literally swallow any colours you put in the room - especially neutrals!

I had an Orla Kiely single duvet cover and decided to cut it up and use it for different sewing projects to decorate the room as the colours are both bright and gender neutral.  I am really pleased with the results.

I sewed a cot duvet cover (on the end of the single bed), bassinet blanket and pelmet, and a small soft pillow for the change mat.  My idea is that later on the small pillow and bassinet blanket can be used by my children for their dolly's bed.

I also covered an Ikea magnet board with some fabric too - just a simple case of tucking it around the back and then securing it with hot glue.  It took me about 10 minutes to make - a very satisfying project!

We are all ready to go now - unfortunately the baby's timing isn't based on the completion of my to-do list!


  1. They are so cute! I love the birds...they remind me of The Partridge Family logo.

  2. Gorgeous!! What a fantastic job!!

  3. Looks fantastic - what an inviting space

  4. I want to look away -- not another hopelessly talented interior decorator with a home I envy -- noooooooooooo...but I cannot. This room is GORGEOUS. I can hate you a little bit and like you at the same time, okay?

    1. Haha Angela, these photos hide such a lot - like the other end of the room where grocery store bags stuffed with "things I'm not sure what to do with" pile up, or the room next door where my poor two older children are sleeping like gypsies on the floor until their bunk beds arrive in late April.

      It's easy to make things look nice in a photo! :)

  5. Would you perhaps think of doing a tutorial for the cot duvet, it's such a lovely idea though I'm not sure how you would go about it. What would you use for the inner?



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