Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Monogram Canvas for Moxie...

I think I'm going crazy.  I've been out of hospital only a week after having my third child and despite the sleep deprivation and the ever-growing to-do list, I can't stop thinking about creative projects!

During one of those quiet moments where the children were all happy and occupied/asleep, and I should've been, by all accounts, cleaning, I was online and stumbled on some monogrammed canvasses for sale.  I thought to myself "I could make one of those!"  And so it happened that instead of doing housework I left the kids with their dad and dashed down to my local craft store for some supplies.

I don't know how the canvasses were made exactly, but here's how I made mine.  I used a square canvas, MDF letter, PVA glue and acrylic gesso (you could just use some white acrylic paint).  Actually, you could make this any colour you like, but I like the white as it emphasizes the picture's 3D quality.

Stick the letter to the canvas with plenty of PVA glue and run your finger around the edges of the letter to clear away where the glue squelched out from underneath.  Leave to dry overnight.

Paint the canvas and the letter together with your gesso or paint.  I used gesso because I like the chalky, matt-finish quality that it gives - (you could use leftover white acrylic ceiling paint).  Do as many coats as you need to get the desired finish.  I did two coats, leaving plenty of time for the first coat to dry before applying the second.

Hang on your wall.  You could spell a whole word, initials or name out using this idea, and display the canvas on an easel or bookshelf.  Such an easy, quick and inexpensive way to make some artwork for your home.


  1. What a fabulous idea! Did you paint the letter before gluing it onto the canvas? If so, was it difficult to keep from getting paint on the canvas?

    1. Hi,

      On reading my post I just realised that I didn't make this clear - thanks for pointing that out! You paint the whole thing - letter and the canvas. That way you don't have to worry about the paint going onto the canvas. If you wanted the letter to be a different colour from the canvas you would paint them separately and stick it on once dry.

      Thanks for dropping by and commenting!

      LM x



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