Sunday, November 25, 2012

And the winner is... (and a runner-up prize!)

Thanks so much to all my readers, old and new, who entered my 2012 Christmas giveaway.  I always enjoy the flourish of comments, after all, it's what we bloggers live on!

So, I've compiled all the entries, including the multiples for those of you who commented and shared my page on Facebook.

AND, I've added a runner's up prize, which I just can't resist doing.  The runner's up prize is one hand carved stamp (edelweiss or reindeer/stag - your choice), and your choice of a white or brown pigment ink pad).

So, without further ado, and drawn by my lovely, still-pyjama-ed six year old, the winner of the main prize pack is...

Congratulations Carla!  The hand carved stamps, pigment inks and marker, cardboard and craft punch will be winging it's way to you this week.  I'll be in touch to get your details shortly.

And the winner of the runner up prize is...

Congratulations Tartankiwi!  I'll be in touch shortly so you can make your choice of stamp and ink, or you can leave your preference in the comments section of this post :).

It's been a busy week here but I have been having some fun packaging my hand carved stamps up.  I thought I better include some instructions on how to care for them, so I made a little card and a matching wrap.

It's always so hard to get good photos in the winter when the light disappears so early!

I've made stamps for all of my closest girlfriends, and got to work packaging up their gifts using the same cards and wraps.  

I have to meet postage cut-offs for New Zealand and Australia, so it forces me to be organised! I stumbled into the post office this week with eight packages - the lady at the post office saw me coming and gave me a look, I don't know if it was pity for me, or for her!


  1. lucky winners, they're a beautiful gift x

  2. Ooh, that's me! (the runner up at least)
    YAY! *happy dance* Thank you!

    1. I've sent you an email to get your details... congrats again! x

  3. Those darn postage cutoffs. I think they're the only reason why I appreciate Christmas stuff in stores in October! I'm also getting really good at packing under 2kgs!

    1. I know - two of my parcels were 2.1 kgs grrrrrrrr! they cost me a fortune to send to NZ! Learnt my lesson the hard way :/

  4. Awesome for the winners. Love the stamps - such a great gift.

  5. I live in NZ, any suggestions as to where I could buy the rubber blocks to carve stamps into?

    1. Hi! I have found the Speedball rubber stamp starter kit at this shop in Takapuna (they have online shopping too).

      Gordon Harris don't seem to stock it, which is strange. Maybe some of the local artist supply stores in your area may stock the blocks or be able to get them in for you.

      Good luck,

      LM x

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