Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby boy cupcakes...

Tonight is a friend's baby shower and I am bringing cupcakes!

These were are my simple cupcake recipe from a previous post, but with 4 tbs of cocoa added to make them chocolatey.  Mmmmmmmm...

For the embellishments I used these fondant cutters I bought four years ago and have never used before.

I've always been a little bit scared of them as they seem like the kind of thing that you can never get the fondant out of again, but I found this great video on Youtube and I was off!

Using a toothpick to extract the centres of the letters...

I took some chocolate fondant (you could also use sugarpaste/ gumpaste/ modelling paste - it's called so many different things!), and cut out the shapes, leaving them on a sheet of baking paper to dry off overnight.

Then I tinted some white fondant cornflour blue and cut some more shapes and letters.

 Always use gel/ paste food colourings to tint fondant.  Use a toothpick to draw the colour through, and then knead until blended.

Then I iced my cupcakes and topped them with the embellishments - simple!

The blue sprinkles were made by crumbling the circles of fondant in the top picture (they were going to be polka dots but I decided against using them.)

I hope the mum-to-be and guests enjoy them as much as I did making them!


I linked this post up here:



  1. These are absolutely adorable! You did a great job decorating them. I would love for you to link them up to my Sew Crafty Saturday party! ~April

  2. wow they're amazing! bet they were a hit!

  3. The guest of honor (me)loved it!

  4. Just stopping by to let you know I featured you on my blog today. Come over and grab a button if you like!

  5. What brand are your fondant cutters? They are adorable! I've never seen anything like those before!

  6. Hi Laurel,

    The brand is FMM - I originally bought them at a small store in NZ, but I have found a link to the FMM site:

    They make both the nursery and letter ones.

    LM x

  7. Hi Lady Muck,

    Your cupcakes are so adorable and cute....... Very inspiring. I love the color themes... Wow.

  8. Hello Lady Muck,

    I wanted inspiration for some baby boy cupcakes and came across your blog - lovely cupcakes !!! I am currently on maternity leave, started baking again & you have given me some great ideas. Love your site and your creative talent (Is there anything you can't make !!!??) I will have lots of fun perusing your site - thank you XXX

    1. Hi - Thanks Angie for your lovely comment. I hope your cupcakes turn out well, whatever you choose to do with them! All the best for your up-and-coming birth too... Congratulations!!!

      LM x

  9. Where can I get those fondant cutters?



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