Friday, September 9, 2011

The unicorn, the teddy bear and the tiny effelunt...

No, I haven't been writing a childrens' book, although the title of this post sounds like it would make a great kids' story!

I am happy to announce that I am pregnant with my third child, due St Patrick's day (March 17, 2012).  So, in honour of this due date, (and because we plan to not find out the sex), I will call the little chap (or chapette) "Paddy".

So far Paddy is already playing games with us and giving us some rather amusing sonogram pictures.

At 8 weeks I put this scan pic on my fridge.  Master J (2.5yrs) immediately came in to the kitchen, noticed the picture and pointed at it saying "tiny effelunt! tiny effelunt!"  Yes, there was no mistaking it, at 8 weeks, baby muck #3 looked a bit like a baby elephant.

Then a few weeks later I went in for my nucal thickening scan and the poor doctor had to work so hard to get Paddy to stop moving.  He had the hiccups and was jumping about like he was using the placenta as a bouncy castle.  It would have been hilarious had the scan not been "internal".  That's a long time to be "in that position" with your male Obstetrician. :/

Anyway, the scan showed that everything looked alright, and when the doctor went to take a picture, we got this.

No longer an effelunt, Paddy decided to pretend to be a unicorn, or a glee fan, who knows which.  At any rate, the picture made me laugh.  The "horn" is actually the row of his fingertips.

We also got this one where he looks like a teddy bear that someone needs to sew together.

Well, I apologise for the lack of posts lately.  Aside from having visitors and getting my little girl ready for her first week at school, I have been really nauseous and incredibly tired, so I just haven't felt very "create-y" lately.

I'll leave you with a pic from Miss S's first day at Swiss Kindergarten a couple of weeks ago (the first two years of school are called kindergarten here).  She is loving it so far, although the new routine is taking a bit of getting used to for both of us!

LM x


  1. Congratulations!! I love the story and the images!! Know about those types of scans - I had just a few too many!! Hope all continues well and you get over the sick feeling soon, and back into the creative feeling. How exciting :) Your fellow Swiss Kiwi

  2. Congratulations! and love the scan pics. Hope you are feeling better soon, first trimester tiredness is unreal especially with 2 other kiddies!

  3. That is wonderful news, Congratulations! I hope the nausea and tiredness eases soon. Such lovely little pictures and what an exciting time for you and your family!

  4. Congratulations!! what wonderful news. Have heaps of rest, I remember what it was like in early pregnancy with two other little ones...
    Love the scan pictures, esp the baby effulent...hehe!

  5. Congratulations! Hope the nausea ends soon, that's no fun!

  6. Oh that is beautiful..very special indeed.
    Any decorating or expansion of space for the new comer?

  7. Thanks everybody! Happy to report that my nausea is definitely less this week :).

    Tracy, we are looking to move apartments before the baby is born, but if we don't and we stay here, the baby won't have it's own room, so I am not sure what to do about "the nursery" as such. I was thinking of making some things for the baby in red, white and aqua, and then if it's a girl, adding pink and green, and if it's a boy, adding charcoal grey.

    Watch this space, I hope to be getting crafty for baby really soon!

    LM x

  8. The scan pics are soo cute! You and Darren make beautiful babies. I can't wait to find out whether it's a boy or girls so I know whether I'm going to be an Aunty or an Uncle! LOL

  9. Really this is a wonder-full sharing of a mother's experience. I just love this post.Pregnancy week by week

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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